Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Gun Control Is It Needed - 881 Words

Gun Control: Is It Needed? Gun control has been a hot topic in the media for decades. The decision to keep amendment two as it is, add stricter regulations, or abolish the amendment altogether has caused a considerable amount of quarrel between opponents of gun control and its advocates. According to Glenn Utter and Robert Spitzer â€Å"[t]he Pro-gun forces see themselves as the supporters of a vital constitutional right to keep and bear arms pitted against the â€Å"gun grabbers.† Strong advocates of gun control see themselves struggling for a more civilized society against the â€Å"gun nuts† and profit-hungry firearms manufacturers and dealers† (2011). They also disagree over whether or not firearms are an independent variable of the high level of violence in the United States (Utter and Spitzer 2011). This topic has also immensely affected politicians and the way taxpayers vote. Barack Obama is the most recent president to propose a gun control amendment. Giv en his Democratic status, numerous individuals of the same party have voted in favor of his amendment. For this reason, those who oppose gun control tend to vote for Republican leaders, and its advocates primarily vote for Democrats. Strong advocates of gun control believe that firearms should not be readily available to the average American citizen. Research confirms that â€Å"[t]he widespread availability of firearms has made it easier for criminals to get firearms. Access to guns must be made more difficult if shooting deaths areShow MoreRelatedGun Control Is Needed1472 Words   |  6 PagesGun Control Is Needed Regulation of guns is a necessary action that needs to be taken in order to save lives. A good definition of gun control is needed to understand the sides and issues. Gun control is an effort to stop the rise in violent crime by strengthening laws on the ownership of firearms. Persons in the group against gun control believe that gun control is wrong, and that it is a violation of constitutional rights. Those in favor of gun control believe that gun control is goodRead MoreNo More Gun Control Needed1281 Words   |  6 PagesNo More Gun Control Needed The debate of whether or not the government should ban the sell of guns, and attempt to remove all guns in existence has been debated for a long period of time; I believe that banning guns is not only implausible, it will do more harm than good. In this essay, I’ll be discussing the history of this debate, as well as discuss some misinformation that’s been proposed by those wishing to ban guns. I’ll also discuss how guns do not turn ordinary, law abiding citizens intoRead MorePersuasive Essay On Anti Gun Control724 Words   |  3 Pagesyour family and countless other families? The answer is the lack of gun control. Pro Gun Control advocates want guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, while Anti Gun Control advocates say gun control impedes on the 2nd Amendment. Americans should support the 2nd Amendment, however to an extent. A high rate of firearm in the hands of criminals and the mentally ill cause massacres. Background checks are needed to stop these murders. Erwin 2 To begin with, these are the 26Read MoreThe Need for Stricter Gun Control Laws Essay569 Words   |  3 Pages11,000 Americans died from guns, 19,066 committed suicide in 2011. Without guns in our world , this would not have happened. Removing guns from our society could greatly reduce school shootings, deaths and overall crime rate. The First gun control law was implemented in 1934. The National Firearms Act of 1934 puts a $200 tax on machine guns and sawed off shotguns. The next gun control law National Firearms Act of 1938 needed licensing of interstate firearm dealers. After that in 1968, 3 laws wereRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1454 Words   |  6 PagesPeople start to wonder whether gun control is needed in this time period. Passing of strict laws is creating a tension between people who believe Americans have the right to bear arms against those who think guns kill people and need to be controlled. Who should Americans believe? First you have to understand that gun control laws could be very helpful in stopping certain crimes..certain. For example, in Tennessee, One of the most gun owning place, has put a ban on guns in certain places. The TennesseeRead MoreWhat Would The World Be Like If Guns Were Banned?1062 Words   |  5 PagesWhat would the world be like if guns were banned? Would chaos break out, or would the United States have peace? The Second Amendment grants U.S. Citizens the right to keep and bear arms. While some people believe banning guns will make the world safer, others believe the world will only be in more danger. Prohibition did not work for alcohol and drugs, so why would it work for guns? Guns should not be banned because crime rate would increase, people need guns for self-defense, and it will eliminateRead MoreGun Control And The United States1569 Words   |  7 PagesUnited States gun control is a big controversy that has been blown out of proportion the last few years. Anything t hat has to do with guns in the news, reporters say it is the guns fault. Gun control laws are being changed and morphed for the new society that we live in today. What gun control really means is a group of laws to control the selling and use of guns.(1). Statistics have proven that most people want more control on guns. Many surveys have shown that the benefits of gun control in the UnitedRead MoreEssay about America Needs More Gun Control Laws1397 Words   |  6 Pagesacross the United States. Nevertheless, in today’s society, gun violence is sparking debate and controversy on how to control gun violence. Throughout the country, thousands of laws and regulations have been created to aid in the control of guns. Through much study, the gun laws and regulations in place have very little effect on the number of gun related injuries and deaths. More needs to be done to establish an effective way to control gun violence. Potential Solutions Shootings in the United StatesRead MoreWill gun control stop harm or protect citizens? Today, the opinions of Americans vary on whether1100 Words   |  5 PagesWill gun control stop harm or protect citizens? Today, the opinions of Americans vary on whether guns harm or protect citizens. However, gun control is not a new controversial issue. In 1924, U.S. Senator, Robert La Follete, said, â€Å"Our choice is not merely to support or oppose gun control but to decide who can own which guns under what conditions.† This proves that gun control has been a concern to Americans since the mid- twentieth century, and possibly even earlier than that. Even with the U.SRead MoreGun Rights And Gun Control994 Words   |  4 PagesIn recent times, gun control is becoming a social issue in the US after the many incidents or accident happened related to the gun owner’s kill’s people at the social places. Gun rights means the every person have right to take or carry guns for the ir self protection is created controversial issue related to criminal justice that needed the requirement for the gun control to stop people from killing each other. Moreover, on 2 Dec, 2015, two suspects those opened fire in a California social service

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The benefits of sward renewal Free Essays

Philip Creightonl, Michael O’Donovan2 and Laurence Sha11002 Grassland Science Research Department Animal ; Grassland Research and Innovation Centre Teagasc Athenry and Moorepark2 Introduction Grassland in Ireland including rough grazing accounts for over 90% of agricultural land use. Lolium perenne (Perennial ryegrass) is by far the most widely sown grass species accounting for over 95% of forage grass seed sold each year. It produces a dense sward, highly acceptable to livestock with the ability to produce high dry atter yields, especially in spring and autumn reducing the seasonality of production. We will write a custom essay sample on The benefits of sward renewal or any similar topic only for you Order Now Achieving good performance from grass is dependent on having high quality perennial ryegrass/clover swards. This paper will outline the important aspects of reseeding pasture, what’s happening at farm level, why and when reseeding should be completed, its benefits and costs. What is happening at farm level? A recent survey of a proportion of co-op suppliers from Kerry, Connaught Gold and Glanbia (Creighton et al. , 2011) found a number of significant findings from a eseeding perspective, these are listed below. i. v’. ‘x. Regular reseeding took place on 50% of participants farms, 25% reseed infrequently, 25% never reseed. Of those reseeding, 50% of participants reseed 2-4ha/year, 20% 8. 0 Soil K Index 2 3 4 Soil K ranges (mg/ 0-50 51-100 101-150 150 K application rate (kg/ha) 110 75 50 Slurry is a good option to maintain nutrient status. With the increased cost of compounds (P and K) slurry should be used in reseeding, 1000 gallons of slurry at 7% DM is equivalent to 4kg N, 3kg P and 19. 5kg K. At soil index 3, slurry (3000gals/ac) is sufficient to supply the P and K nutrients. Weed control The best time to control docks and all other weeds is after reseeding. By using a post emergence spray seedling weeds can be destroyed before they properly develop and establish root stocks. Established weeds can seriously reduce the yield potential and economic lifetime of the reseeded sward. From the survey information it is clear that only 50% of farmers are applying a post emergence spray, resulting in over 90% of surveyed farms having problems with dock infestations. To ensure that a post emergence spray can be applied reseeding should be targeted for the spring or early autumn when establishment conditions are much more suitable and the opportunity for weed control is guaranteed. The post emergence spray should be applied approximately 6 weeks after establishment Just before the first grazing takes place. With weed control it pays to be proactive, spraying when grass is at the two leaf stage works well. Grazing management of reseeded swards Care needs to be taken when grazing newly reseeded swards. The sward should be razed as soon as the new grass plants roots are strong enough to withstand grazing (root stays anchored in the ground when pulled). Early grazing is important to allow light to the base of the plant to encourage tillering. Light grazing by animals such as calves, weanlings or sheep is preferred as ground conditions may still be somewhat fragile depending on establishment method used. Grazing new reseeds with larger animals can create high levels of tiller pulling. The first grazing of a new reseed can be completed at pre grazing yields of 600-1000kg DM/ha. Frequent grazing of the reseeds at light covers ( How to cite The benefits of sward renewal, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Paulo Freires The Banking Concept of Education Essay Example For Students

Paulo Freires The Banking Concept of Education Essay In Paulo Firers essay on The Banking Concept of Education, he is a firm believer of advancement in todays teaching. He splits the means of education Into two distinct societies, the revolutionary and the oppression. Fire criticizes the current values of education, and argues to support his own, radical ideas about how he believes education should work. He compares education to the banking system and by doing so he is establishing his own methods and systems on how to make the education system better in our world today. We will write a custom essay on Paulo Freires The Banking Concept of Education specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In his essay, Firers arguments against the education system have been made quite clear by addressing actions that need to be made to better the future of our society. At the beginning, he states how our current education system Is very orderly and how the teachers are the narrating subjects and the students are listing objects not knowing how to think or act in the world today (Fire 318). He believes, education is suffering from narration sickness, and that, In our current system, words become a hollow, alienated, and alienating verbosity to the students (318). He strongly tells the deader how education is transforming into a memorization game. He states how a student will record and repeat for the teacher, however, they will not gain the true knowledge that will help them later in life. He calls this process the banking concept of education (319). Paulo Fire is saying that the teacher -student relationship is poor because of the fact that the teacher is Just narrating about the subject of which the students are Just listening and are not really Involved. Fire states that as the teacher Is narrating, the dents have troubles understanding the narrations because of the words that the teacher speaks are somewhat foreign to them. Fire makes a valid point as he modernizes this Interaction by comparing It to using the banking system. He states that education thus becomes an act of depositing, in which the students are depositories and the teacher is the depositor (319). This act of depositing turns the students mind Into receptacles to be filed away. He Indicates that through this system students lack a sense of creativity and knowledge of the world around them. He explains that knowledge is the basis to our understandings and discoveries that man Invents and develops every day. Without this sense of knowledge or the drive to learn we would be left with nothing new and everything would be left undiscovered. His argument of education begins here because without a good system of education our advancement to the future is at stake. He uses the metaphor deposit to represent the manner in which information is bestowed to the students. His Idea that the students are an empty vessel Is at the ore of the banking concept where the curriculum does not take into consideration the needs of the students as libertarians, the means by which men and women deal Walt real TTY In letter a critical or creative way. He makes tans plant Decease In education today the information is chosen by the educator as the depositor and deposited into the student; the scope of action allowed the student extends only as far as receiving, filing and storing; which the students patiently receive, memorize and repeat (319). The more a teacher does this to his students the more reality is oaken away from them to learn the true meanings of life. This can be related back to Firers argument against the education system, because one can only memorize things for so long, after that one will lose his true purpose in the world. To go against the system of education Fire has established new methods to turn the idea of education runaround method of education that Fire asserts as an alternative to the banking concept is to encourage students to question and pursue the world. He calls this his problem-posing method on education (325). .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .postImageUrl , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:hover , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:visited , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:active { border:0!important; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:active , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Life of an African-American Youth in Baltimore in Between the World and Me, a Book by Ta-Nehisi Coates EssayThis change in focus is acclimated by a shift in the student-teacher relationship; the student learns from the teacher, and the teacher learns from the students. This is a relationship where all points of view and are examined and respected. The objective of this educational pattern is to develop the power to perceive critically the way a person exist in the world, with which and in which they find themselves; they come to see the world is not as a static reality but as a reality in process, in transformation (328). Without the development of this power, man cann ot experience his true vocation in life. In his method he also states how many do not pursue their interests or explore the world. He calls this group of people the oppressor society (325). In this solitary society many are left being at the receiving end in the containers, and many educators come in to control the lives of the oppressed. They are the humankind form of the the banking concept. However, Fire states how there are the select few that escape out into society and pursue the world around them. They would be considered todays inventors and leaders who change the lives of many. He calls this group the revolutionary society (325). They are the ones that communicate with the world and reject the oppressors. He brings up a good point by saying how education will later split the population into two. Some will be thinkers who take their own paths and others will be followers who do actually what they are told to do. Communication is the key to the success in our education. Based off of the methods and concepts that Fire has come up with he would agree with this statement and how it affects our learning and growth of knowledge. He states how one must seek to vive with others in solidarity and how one must think for themselves and not relate back to his pupils. They do this by a system of communication. An educator of any kind must think for themselves and not for their students. They need to know the true feelings of their students to see if their ways of teaching are either helping or damaging the students understandings of the real world. Thinking for oneself connects to reality and how memorizing what the teacher stated will only get you so far in life. To break this banking concept the students and the teachers need to monomaniac and interact with one another for the both to succeed in reality. With the help of communication society can act more liberate inside the world that we live in today. According to Firers methods and his beliefs, communication is the key to success in both the system of education and in surviving in the world that we live in today. Ferules moments all come to agreement Walt ten system AT communication. Fire writes this from first hand experience about important issues in education. He covers ideas from the banking concept and student-teacher relationships to evolutionist through communication and the effects educational systems have on the concept of liberty. By doing so he establishes his own structure and technique to make education of today better for our world tomorrow. He believes that no one can be authentically human while he prevents others from being so (330). This quote illustrates his humanity and his motivation to see education serve not only the oppressors, but humanity as a whole. Work Cited . Fire, Paulo. The Banking Concept of Education. Boston, Massachusetts, Bedford/SST. Martins: 2006. Pages 318-331.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Effects of Global Warming on Rain Forests Essay Example

The Effects of Global Warming on Rain Forests Paper Contents of Paper Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earths atmosphere and oceans since the late 1 9th century and its projected continuation. It has affected many parts of our world, most known and some unknown. One area of Earth that has been affected in particular is the rainforests. Although the effects of global warming can seem immeasurable, because humans and forests alike have been blamed for current conditions, global warming is causing plants and vegetation to grow at alarming rates, animals in the rainforests to go extinct, and ultimately it will cause changes in human life. There is no doubt that the tropical rainforests of the world are in danger. Every hour approximately six species of life in our tropical rainforests are strayed. Experts agree that the number one cause of extinction in the tropical rainforests is due to the destruction of the tropical rainforests environment (as cited in Pants (2012). Some scientists believe that the effects of gl obal warming are not easily measurable. According to (Kerry, 2008) we cannot accurately measure the effects of global warming on the rainforests. Kerry (2007) writes, One reason is the complexity of the system, in which land surface processes are tightly coupled to the atmospheric hydrodynamics. Another reason is that the climate has a highly regional hereafter, and the adjacent Andean topography is so steep it cannot be resolved properly. (Para. 2). Although measurements may not be accurate, it is a known fact that we have seen some dramatic changes in the worlds tropical forests. Since global warming causes higher temperatures in our atmosphere, it affects all life on earth. Higher temperatures in rainforests cause plants and trees photosynthesis rates to decline. As a result, this causes stunted plant growth and reduces the forests capacity to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, (Ignition, 2003, Para 5) and carbon dioxide is he most serious agent of global warming (Reuters, 2004). According to Reuters, (2004) studies suggest, Carbon Dioxide levels have risen by 30 percent in the past 200 years. This is due to emissions from automobiles and forest burning (Para. 6). We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Global Warming on Rain Forests specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Global Warming on Rain Forests specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Global Warming on Rain Forests specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Research also shows that the Tropical Rainforests itself contributes to global warming. According to (Ignition, 2003) because of deforestation, large amounts of CO, Methane, and Nitrous Oxide is released into the atmosphere from freshly cut, decomposing, or burnt trees. Also, live trees release a substantial amount of water vapor. This moisture contributes irately to the greenhouse gases. Research from (Reuters, 2004), shows that, the growth of large trees in the Amazonian rainforests have accelerated over the past novo decades while the growth of smaller ones has slowed. For example, an independent study that was conducted (Reuters, 2004), 18 undisturbed plots in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon were monitored since the asses. Of 115 tree genera, they found that two became significantly more common and 14 became significantly rarer over the 1 5 years of the study. The winners tended to be tall, relatively fast-growing canopy trees, while the users tended to be slower-growing trees that live their whole lives in the dim depths of the forest below the canopy No past anomalies in rainfall Were found that might explain this pattern of change. A second, independent set of study plots nearby showed similar changes (Para. 12). It seems there is a cloud of death that lives among the plant and animal life in rainforests. As a result there is an increasing competition for light, water, and nutrients in the soil. Because oftenest changes, places like the Amazon Rainforests are at risk of being lost much sooner than they ever should. Recently, there have also been numerous animals that have gone extinct in our rainforests. Because of global warming, forests are experiencing warmer climates, which means that animals whose population would thinness be controlled by the colder climates are flourishing. Species that have adapted to the cold depend on mountaintops for shelter. When climate and humans alike ravish their homes, they now have nowhere to go. Additionally, the extinction of tropical species can be attributed to global warming. For example, (Greeters, 2011) list the Golden Toad, the Madeira Large White Butterfly, and the Java Tiger s being extinct currently due to global warming and its affects. Animals in the rain forest are not the only species that are affected by global warming. There are other animals that live in different ecosystems that are in danger of becoming extinct due to these effects. There are far too many to name, but here are a few: Canadian polar Bear; South American Sea Turtles; American North Atlantic Whale; Chinese Giant Panda; Indonesian Orange-tan; African Elephants; and Indian Tigers. (Worldwide Endangered Animal List, 2012) Not only will global warming affect the animals and plants of the rain forest, but unmans will be affected as well. Millions of plants and animals help humans to understand and treat a lot Of disease and ailments that are exclusive to humans. By losing our rain forests to global warming and human activities, humans lose things like maple syrup, peanuts, coffee, strawberries, chocolate, trout, honey, and many, many, more things that are an expected norm for humans. All living creatures, especially humans, will gain more pollen and grass weed which causes allergies, fire hazards which threaten our homes and communities, rising water levels, and a treasure trove of other great and rebel things that can occur. Global warming has many causes and many effects. Although animals and plants dont have the mental capacity to worry about things such as global warming, it is something that humans should be concerned about. Humans contribute to deforestation, and green house gases everyday. The temperature in our atmosphere has risen and is causing the death of forests ATA much higher and alarming rate. This destructive pattern that has been started will eventually compromise the very air that we breathe. Humans have the capacity to learn, understand, and ultimately make changes that will benefit all life on earth.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on The Republic

The Republic written by Plato examines many things. It mainly is about the Good life. Plato seems to believe that the perfect life is led only under perfect conditions which is the perfect society. Within the perfect society there would have to be justice. In the Republic it seems that justice is defined many different ways. In this paper I am going to discuss a few. First I am going to discuss the reason why Glaucon and Adeimantus see justice as being a bad thing and it is better to live a unjust life. Plato's elder brother Glaucon argues that the just man is only just because of the fear that he will get caught and punished or the fear of having a bad reputations. He explains this decision in the story of the two magic rings. The rings of magic would make a man invisible whenever he turns it on his finger. He believed that each man would act in the same manor. They would both break into houses unseen, and help themselves to whatever they wanted. The just man would no longer feel the need to be just. He would have two lifestyles one, being just in front of the eyes of the society and two being the unjust man invisible unable to get caught. Glaucon say this proves that people are just only because they find it necessary. Adeimantus another philosopher and Socrates elder brother brought up the fact that we should take a look at the kinds of things people actually say when they get praised justice and condemn injustice. Adeimantus explains by saying that fathers tell there sons to be just because of the good reputations and social prestige that attaches to justice. So it is not justice itself that is recommended, but rather, the respectability that it brings with it. He believes that the son will realize to be just is only worth it if you can get a good reputation. Unless you are truly just the gods will punish you but as we have learned from the poets the gods can be bribed so if you ... Free Essays on The Republic Free Essays on The Republic Most normal individuals in the modern world would assume that all books written, not published, by man are based on either a portion of the author’s imagination, an event (biased or non-biased) in either history or during the life of the author, a straight-out autobiography, or a generalized biography of another person they once knew. However, this philosophical novel fits none of the descriptions above. The book is actually an in-depth recording of a philosophy contest between Plato’s teacher Socrates and several other great philosophers. What is significant about this contest is that, in it, Socrates describes his personal view of a â€Å"perfect world,† and why justice is so important in the process of creating a civilized world. The novel was completed in 370 B.C., and it describes a strong debate between Socrates and five other speakers. The two main arguments that he illustrates in this novel are that a ruler cannot obtain more power than the state, and that a philosopher is best suited to rule a nation since he has the ability to maintain this balance. Also, Socrates claims that only the philosopher has traveled beyond the â€Å"cave† of worldly desires and temptations to discover what justice really is. Socrates’ first major argument is with Thrasymachus in Book I. The current debate lies on the pure definition of justice. Thrasymachus claims that there is only one principle of justice: the interest of the more dominant force. Socrates counters this argument by using the phrase â€Å"the stronger.† He claims that the ruler of a nation will not be aided, but harmed, by an unintentional command, in the long run. Socrates then builds his argument gradually by stating that the good and just man looks out for the interest of the weaker, and not for himself. Thrasymachus tries to counter Socrates’s argument by vaguely proclaiming that injustice is more gainful than justice. However, Socrates bravely explains that the just ... Free Essays on The Republic The Republic written by Plato examines many things. It mainly is about the Good life. Plato seems to believe that the perfect life is led only under perfect conditions which is the perfect society. Within the perfect society there would have to be justice. In the Republic it seems that justice is defined many different ways. In this paper I am going to discuss a few. First I am going to discuss the reason why Glaucon and Adeimantus see justice as being a bad thing and it is better to live a unjust life. Plato’s elder brother Glaucon argues that the just man is only just because of the fear that he will get caught and punished or the fear of having a bad reputations. He explains this decision in the story of the two magic rings. The rings of magic would make a man invisible whenever he turns it on his finger. He believed that each man would act in the same manor. They would both break into houses unseen, and help themselves to whatever they wanted. The just man would no longer feel the need to be just. He would have two lifestyles one, being just in front of the eyes of the society and two being the unjust man invisible unable to get caught. Glaucon say this proves that people are just only because they find it necessary. Adeimantus another philosopher and Socrates elder brother brought up the fact that we should take a look at the kinds of things people actually say when they get praised justice and condemn injustice. Adeimantus explains by saying that fathers tell there sons to be just because of the good reputations and social prestige that attaches to justice. So it is not justice itself that is recommended, but rather, the respectability that it brings with it. He believes that the son will realize to be just is only worth it if you can get a good reputation. Unless you are truly just the gods will punish you but as we have learned from the poets the gods can be bribed so if you live the unjust life you can bribe the gods to not... Free Essays on The Republic The Republic written by Plato examines many things. It mainly is about the Good life. Plato seems to believe that the perfect life is led only under perfect conditions which is the perfect society. Within the perfect society there would have to be justice. In the Republic it seems that justice is defined many different ways. In this paper I am going to discuss a few. First I am going to discuss the reason why Glaucon and Adeimantus see justice as being a bad thing and it is better to live a unjust life. Plato's elder brother Glaucon argues that the just man is only just because of the fear that he will get caught and punished or the fear of having a bad reputations. He explains this decision in the story of the two magic rings. The rings of magic would make a man invisible whenever he turns it on his finger. He believed that each man would act in the same manor. They would both break into houses unseen, and help themselves to whatever they wanted. The just man would no longer feel the need to be just. He would have two lifestyles one, being just in front of the eyes of the society and two being the unjust man invisible unable to get caught. Glaucon say this proves that people are just only because they find it necessary. Adeimantus another philosopher and Socrates elder brother brought up the fact that we should take a look at the kinds of things people actually say when they get praised justice and condemn injustice. Adeimantus explains by saying that fathers tell there sons to be just because of the good reputations and social prestige that attaches to justice. So it is not justice itself that is recommended, but rather, the respectability that it brings with it. He believes that the son will realize to be just is only worth it if you can get a good reputation. Unless you are truly just the gods will punish you but as we have learned from the poets the gods can be bribed so if you ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Black Boy Essay Example for Free

Black Boy Essay Essay Topic: African American Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Most African American families in the South were lower class and committed dangerous acts to survive, â€Å"Richard suffered poverty and hunger experiences that later became themes of his work†. He would have to wait a long period of time before food was available for him, â€Å"You’ll have to wait till I get a job to buy food†. The lower class did desperate things to get money â€Å"Richard sneak into saloons and begs for pennies and drinks†. Many African Americans suffered horribly from poverty, â€Å"My mothers’ suffering grew into a symbol, gathering to itself all the poverty, the ignorance, the helplessness, the pain, hunger ridden days and hours†. The Jim Crow South brought many adversities for Blacks and poverty was a major part of that. Poverty not only took away the physical things in their lives, but also it took away from their internal selves as human beings. The things they had in their lives that they were deprived of, did not mean as much to them as losing who they are as a person, â€Å"I would send other words to tell, to march, to fight, to create a sense of the hunger of life that gnaws in us all, to keep alive in our hearts a sense of the inexpressibly human†. Racism in the Jim Crow South was brutal, unnecessary, and in some cases fatal. Racism in the United States South was a major theme, and impacted the life of Richard both in a positive and negative way. The only positive aspect of it was that he and many other African Americans overcame it and helped them become better people. In most cases racism affected lives in a negative way. Most African Americans were both physically and mentally pushed to their limit and caused permanent scars in their lives, â€Å"Having been thrust out of the world because of my race, I had accepted my destiny by not being curious about what shaped it†, The quote by Richard shows the racism was present and unfair, you can still move on and not let it be damaging to your daily lives and emotions. Richard experienced many abusive events resulting from racism, â€Å"He experienced some of the most severe abuses of racial oppression in Mississippi†. African Americans have the theory that White people are dangerous and not to be trusted, â€Å"the Jim Crow South was a system of racial segregation practiced in some states of the US, and it gave whites a reason to treat Blacks as second class citizens†. Richard falls into a category of Black youth who fears the White community and has a hard time interacting with them, â€Å"Richard feels psychological tension around Whites†. The major reason why Richard is a part of the Great Migration and fled North is because of racism. The segregation Blacks had to deal with also took away many educational opportunities, â€Å"No education could alter what the meaning of living, came only when one was struggling†. Racism took away many privileges and rights away from Blacks. Many African Americans in the South moved north for better opportunities, and this vast moment was known as the Great Migration. It was hard for many African Americans to leave the South because that was the only life they knew, â€Å"Nine out of ten African Americans lived in the American South in 1900, by 1930, 3 in 10 lived outside the house†. Richard Wrights’ Black Boy shows how racism destroyed the lives of many African Americans, but for some it did just the opposite, as for Richard it drove him to be the successful writer he is today. Violence affected African American youth in a negative way, and it varied how they let it affect the rest of their lives. Poverty took a major toll on the lives of African Americans during the Jim Crow South system, and affected the majority in an unconstructive way. Racism made a huge impact on the lives of the Blacks because it affected their emotions, physicality, home life, and way of being. For some, racism lead to death or completely ruined their lives, but others took the hardship of racism and went with it in the opposite direction. Richard Wright, once a trouble African American boy, now a flourishing writer. Black Boy. (2016, Dec 23).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organizational Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Management - Essay Example After careful planning, comes the phase of directing. Direction starts the actions for retrieving best results in any organization; it makes sure that each employee contributes towards organizational goals and paves the way for balance and stability. Also, it is important to keep alive the managerial competencies of Motivation, Supervision, Communication, and Leadership. Following directing, staffing is also essential for establishing competencies needed for challenges, for retaining professionalism and personnel and for best allocation of human resources (Terry, 1977). After staffing, controlling comes to adjusting the operations of the organization. It basically keeps check on whether appropriate progress towards objective is done or not, and if mandatory any action will be taken to control these deviations. They systems of control also make sure that organization is run effectively and efficiently. The core managerial competencies also affect the decision making power of an organization. Leading guides the employee of the organization to carry out the mandatory tasks by motivating these employees to accomplish the organizational goals. It is a crucial element in all of the elements. Communication and self management also play an adhesive role along with leading to strengthen the decision making power of a firm (Terry, 1977). From the managerial school of thought, there are various different decision making models in business management. The decision making models hold immense importance in the decision making procedure of management. Employing the different decision making models will enhance the success of success in a business. Decision making models are adaptive, rational, collective participation, planned, emergent, and intuitive (Terry, 1977). There have been number of motivation theories proposed for boosting the level of motivation in any organization. Taylor focused on studying tasks and developing accurate

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Sir Richard Branson, Chairman, Virgin Group, Ltd. Case Study Research Paper - 1

Sir Richard Branson, Chairman, Virgin Group, Ltd. Case Study - Research Paper Example All these researches conducted had their particular pros and cons, insufficient assumptions and certain limitations (Lussier & Achua, 2007). However, researchers in this field have not given up and they are try their best come up with a strong theory. Recent developments in this field have been the research conducted on situational and transformational leadership style (Northouse, 2010). So far researchers have not been able to come up with a theory that can be classified as exclusive. The theories present by these new breed of researchers are a mere derivation of the earlier work in this field. The most notable work on leadership that his lived on till today is the work of researchers like: Max Wber, MacGregor Burns, Bernard M. Bass, and etc (Northouse, 2010). Scenario Analysis: This mini scenario is about Sir Richard Branson, who is the chairman of the Virgin Group. The Virgin Group is the world’s most recognized corporate brand. The Group comprises of companies from differe nt industries, this makes this group heavily diversified. The extent to which this group is diversified makes the operations of this group very complex and intricate. However, due to the broad and insightful vision of its chairman, the group remains till this day one of the most profitable group in the 21st century. The chairman can be classified as a person who is easy going, very flexible and enjoyable to work with. He does not shy away from competition, risk and challenges. One of his qualities is that he never succumbs under pressure and failure. Sir Richard is very open about his mistakes and likes to speak about his mistakes openly with any regret, because he believes that one should never get deject from failures and these failures are part of the learning process. He is forward looking and does not like to lament about the past. He believes that his employees are the most valuable assets of his company and therefore he never lets go of an opportunity where he could nurture h ealthy working relationship with them. To Sir Richard, opinion of the workers matters a lot and he uses their input coupled with is intuition to handle a daunting situation. He makes sure that the employees feel that their input does matter to him and they should keep sending him their opinions and understanding. Sir Richard is of firm believe that in order to keep the company on its current road of growth and prosperity, he needs to encourage risk taking behavior in employees and to support their initiatives to influence the group’s market place. One this which Sir Richard is very good at is his ability to form diversified teams to work on the diversified projects of the group. He firmly believes in delegating responsibility to his employees, by this he ensures employee engagement and retention. Sir Richard is one of those people who are more concerned about their relationships. As a result of this he tries to keep everyone in his surrounding happy and satisfied. This method of leading his organization has allowed him to create a dynamic and progressive working environment in his organization. Most importantly he is a person who likes to extend his trust onto his employees; employees seeing this gesture of their chairman project to him and his company their sincere loyalty and efforts. All of this has played a major role in creating the Virgin Group of the 21st century.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Eli Whitney Essay Example for Free

Eli Whitney Essay Eli Whitney (1765-1825) was a mechanical wizard. While travelling in the south, he became acquainted with the problem of removing the seeds from cotton. Enormous numbers of slaves were employed pulling the seeds out by hand. Eli Whitney spent a whole two weeks on this challenge and invented the cotton gin. He patented the invention and went on to capitalize on his invention by opening a factory to make cotton gins. It ended in bankruptcy. The failure of Eli Whitney to make his fortune on the cotton gin was due primarily to the very simplicity of the design of the machine. Once the initial shipments of Whitneys cotton gin arrived on the cotton plantations of the South, entrepreneurial individuals pried off the top and peered inside. What they saw was eminently copiableand copy they did. The Patent Office in Washington wasnt eager to send agents into the South to enforce Eli Whitneys patent rights, and he couldnt obtain legal redress in the court system, so he eventually walked away from his invention. Business students, in common with all students, are told not to copy. Copying is dishonourable and deserving of dismissal. They graduate and enter a world in which copying is endemic. A new idea is not the property of its originator because everyone copies in all areas of business. If a firm discovers a more efficient way of doing something, it will be copied. If a firm discovers a more effective way of marketing a product, it will be copied. If a firm discovers a more efficacious way of financing its expansion, it will be copied. Copying is critical in understanding the nature of the business cycle. Copying contributes to the ups and downs of the business cycle by directing larger investments into new areas than would occur if copying were not so endemic. The building of a greater number of factories than is necessary is a consequence of copying that helps to keep the good times good. (Randall Bartlett, 1998). On the other side of the coin, copying can cause businesses to dedicate too much productive capacity to new products. When all the investments are completed and the combined productive capacity of a thousand and one copyists is brought to bear on the market, all the copyists have for their efforts are huge unsold inventories and excessive productive capacity. Then they copy one another again by collectively slashing production to try to keep inventories in line with sales. This type of copying helps to turn good times into bad. One might expect that patent protection should limit copying. However, if what is being copied is a strategy for marketing or making financial deals, there is no patent infringement because an idea cannot be patented. Even copyrights on computer software have been difficult to enforce because a program can be essentially copied by rewriting it with minor editorial changes, such as calling something X that was called Y in the original program. Patents on products and processes are enforceable within a given nation, but they are more difficult to enforce in the international arena. Thus, a firm can spend millions to develop a new product and find itself in the position of not being able to recoup its research and development expenditures because copies are being imported from foreign copiers that do not have to price the goods on the basis of recouping the initial RD expense. The globalization of manufacturing facilities and free trade has proved to be a boon for copyists. The simplicity of the cotton gin, the ease of copying it, and Whitneys sad return on his investment in his invention are of interest in understanding the role of copying in the business cycle. But the real point of this discussion is Eli Whitney on the comeback trail. Whitney obtained a government contract to make ten thousand muskets. The contract presumed that he would make the muskets in the way that all muskets, and everything else, were made. In the cottage industry of the day, a musket was assembled by an individual who made a barrel, a stock, a flintlock, a trigger, and the other mechanical parts. As each part was made, it was filed to fit the rest of the components making up the musket. The result of this mode of production was that each particular part of a musket was unique. A flintlock made for a musket could not be removed and interchanged with the flintlock of another musket and be expected to work. The parts were not interchangeable without further filing because they were not uniform in design and would not fit together properly. Each musket was, in effect, tailor made to its own set of specifications. (David Burner, Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Virginia Bernhard, 1991). To fill his contract with the government, Eli Whitney built a factory near New Haven, Connecticut, in 1798, that was unique in several respects. Water-powered machines were designed to replace human effort as much as possible. The machines were dedicated to the manufacture of the individual component parts of a specified design, rather than each part being individually handmade. In other words, Eli Whitney was substituting machine labour for manual labour, thereby increasing the productivity of labour. In Whitneys factory, the parts produced were of sufficiently close tolerances to be interchangeable. Quality control was introduced to ensure that the flintlock of one musket would be interchangeable with the flintlock of another with no additional filing. Eli Whitneys uniformity system had at its core the idea of manufacturing ten thousand barrels, ten thousand stocks, ten thousand flintlocks, ten thousand trigger mechanisms, ten thousand whatever, all of sufficiently close tolerances to be interchangeable without additional filing. The parts were manufactured first, and the completed musket was assembled later. Whitneys uniformity system was the forerunner of todays assembly line. Eli Whitney gave to modern society the most productive means of manufacture known to mankind. There are those who can point to the fact that he did not originate the idea, that it had antecedents in Europe. That is true and bears about as much weight as the fact that Christopher Columbus was not the first European to discover America. Leif Ericsson may, or may not, have been first. Even if Ericsson was first, what does that do to take away from Columbus achievement? It was the discovery of America by Columbus that counts. The nations of North and South America owe their existence to Columbus explorations, not to Ericssons. The same holds true for Whitneys uniformity system. More than any other individual, he popularized the idea of Adam Smiths specialization of labour. Eli Whitney vastly increased the productivity of his specialized labour force by replacing tools with machines and by introducing quality control measures to ensure that the interchangeable parts were indeed interchangeable. His water-powered factory in New Haven was the progenitor of many such plants in the northern states. Daniel A. Wren, Ronald G. Greenwood, 1999). Eli Whitney affected the course of the development of the United States in two quite unintentional ways. The removal of the cotton seeds by the cotton gin rather than by a slaves fingers had a dramatic impact on the profitability of growing cotton in the South. One might conclude that the price of slaves would fall with the invention of the cotton gin because the labour required to remove the seeds from the cotton was nearly eliminated. Was there no other impact that might have turned out to be true? But the cotton gin made cotton growing much more profitable because the slaves could dedicate more of their time to planting and harvesting the cotton rather than to removing its seeds. Nothing did more to spread the growing of cotton in the South than did the cotton gin. As new areas of the South were brought under cultivation, there was a greater demand for slaves. The price of slaves increased, and the institution of slavery, which was actually waning at the time of the invention of the cotton gin, was given new life. The South embarked on a path of agriculture based on slave labour. In the North, just the opposite occurred. Whitneys factory in New Haven was a cause of the Norths embarking on a path of industrialization, based, as some would assert, on wage-slave labour. As in the South, Eli Whitney himself had no pretensions of embarking on anything. He invented the cotton gin and tried to make a buck from his invention. When that failed, he devised the uniformity system to make a buck out of a government contract. Nevertheless, the social repercussions of his contributions to technology had a significant impact on the history of the nation. (John G. Blair, 1988).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Divine Comedy - Contrapasso of Dante’s Inferno Essay examples -- Divin

Inferno - Contrapasso In Dante’s Inferno, Dante takes a journey with Virgil through the many levels of Hell in order to experience and see the different punishments that sinners must endure for all eternity. As Dante and Virgil descend into the bowels of Hell, it becomes clear that the suffering increases as they continue to move lower into Hell, the conical recess in the earth created when Lucifer fell from Heaven. Dante values the health of society over self. This becomes evident as the sinners against society experience suffering greater than those suffer which were only responsible for sinning against themselves. Dante uses contrapasso, the Aristotelian theory that states a soul’s form of suffering in Hell contrasts or extends their sins in their life on earth, to ensure that the sinners never forget their crimes against God. Even though some of the punishments the sinners in Hell seem arbitrary, they are fitting because contrapasso forces each sinner to re-live the most horrible aspect of their sin to ensure they never forget their crimes against God. As Dante and Virgil, Dante’s guide through Hell, approach the Gate of Hell, Dante reads the inscription above the gates: â€Å"Through me the way to the suffering city, through me the way to the eternal pain, through me the way that runs among the lost. Justice urged on my high artificer; my maker was divine authority, the highest wisdom and the primal love. Before me nothing but eternal things were made, and I endure eternally. Abandon every hope, who enter here.†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (III, 48) This message accurately describes how those souls will experience contrapasso in Hell. They will never be released and will experience suffering for eternity. The first line speaks of a... ...ouls to exist. It is a fitting punishment because he wanted to rule like God. Now he does, but he rules over the souls who could not achieve the presence of God after death. Dante efficiently uses contrapasso to punish the souls that sinned in their lifetimes. All the sinners experience ultimate suffering as they act to extend or continue their sin for eternity. The suffering in Hell is ultimately unbearable, regardless of the nature of sin. The sinners have no hope of their condition becoming any better because the only change will be at the Final Judgment. Then their punishments will be perfected because they will then have bodies and a new way to experience suffering. Contrapasso ensures that these souls will exist in an eternity of complete despair.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited: Alighieri, Dante. Inferno. Trans. Mark Musa. NY: Penguin Books, 1984.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of CCTV Cameras Essay

CCTV Monitoring CCTV for Surveillance CCTV camera system is being widely employed as a security system for surveillance in offices as well as homes. It is used for monitoring purposes to keep a close vigil. Not only in closed or private places; CCTV camera system extends as a security system in public and crowded places like traffic intersections, malls, shops, etc. As with the case of any technology or security system device, a CCTV camera system has its own pros and cons. Advantages of CCTV Camera System 1. Deters Crime The presence of CCTV camera system for surveillance will reduce petty thefts and vandalism in shops, malls and other public places. Since the activities are being monitored, fewer nuisances are likely to be created. It also reduces the losses due to shoplifting. 2. Helps Maintain Records The images and videos captured by a CCTV camera system are often recorded and stored into a database. These are helpful in maintaining records so that they can be easily retrieved later, when needed. 3. Protects Employees This is particularly helpful in customer service centers. The employees providing customer service may sometimes be subjected to verbal abuse or physical attacks. CCTV camera system helps to identify such instances and act immediately. It is also helpful to keep a tab on the activities of the employees. 4. For Evidence in Lawsuits In legal cases of thefts and other forms of crime, videos and images provided by the CCTV camera system can serve as a valid proof and evidence against the defaulter. This assists in making legal claims as well. Disadvantages of CCTV Camera System 1. Do Not Work Always CCTV camera system cannot monitor every area of your office or home at all times. Hence it cannot be considered as a foolproof method for crime prevention. 2. Privacy Concerns Invasion of privacy is the major issue when it comes to any security system device like the CCTV camera system. It lowers the employee morale and hampers productivity at times. Constant monitoring of every activity might put the workers ill at ease. 3. Initial Costs The initial costs incurred per camera are high. The installation may also increase the initial expenditure. It depends upon the complexity of the CCTV camera system as well.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


Tucker: the man and his dream Preston Tucker is a man persists in doing what he believes is right even thousands of barriers appear. The movie narrates the story of Preston Tucker who Invents and manufactures the "car of the future", " Tucker Torpedo". This car features rear engine, disc brake, windshield, seat belt and other unique parts that existing cars don't Include. Since the car Is Innovative, the demand Is beyond the imagination of current market. The more popular the car is, the severer the challenge Trucker has to face.The government starts to play role of interrupter. At the stage of design, the government of Detroit refuses to supply clay and steels which both of them are the main materials to manufacture cars. Even the Senator refuses to talk with Tucker and warns him if he continues, the government would cut off all resources. The board of director of Tucker Company also doubts his ability of manufacturing the car and allocation of money, so they tak e the whole control of the company and modify the design of the car while Tucker Is on a publicity campaign.The board of director believes that front engine Is more feasible and elimination of seat belt Is more persuasive for customers, since seat belts represent unsafe cars at that time. The price of the car Is also doubled due to the scarcity of steels. Tucker finally realizes the difficulties he is facing and decided to produce his own Tucker separately. The engine he used is transformed from the old engine of helicopter from a aircraft company. On the day of testing, the car is being drove for 24 hours non stop, and it could even function properly after a serious accident.While everyone is elaborating the success. Undercover agent has already reported to the Senator, Homer Ferguson. The Big Three feel threatened and envy the success of Tucker. In order to prevent Tucker, the Big Three make an alliance with the government, and the Senator discloses fake Information about Tucker's involvement of stock fraud to Yellow Journalism. Yellow Journalism starts to report that the car is manufactured by reforming the old parts and it has no qualification to sell. On the court, the Senator even falsified the account and accused Tucker spend the money for personal use. †¦ But If big business closes the door on the little guy with a new Idea, we're not only closing the door on progress, but we're sabotaging everything that we fought for Everything that the country stands for† And one day we're going to find ourselves at the bottom of the heap instead of king of the hill, having no idea of how we got there, buying our radios and our cars from our former enemies. † As Tucker points out on the court, the government abuses its power to put down the development of small business.As the founder of Tucker Company, Preston Tucker builds his own team to tart from sketching to finally putting dreams into reality. A leader should know how to allocate his subordina tes into the right positions. Tucker as a leader understands how to take charge In operations and involve people Into projects to achieve the goal that he expects. Tucker hires a young designer, Alex Trembles, to design and a financier, Abe Karate, to arrange financial support. However, he does not empower his subordinates, but rather to solve the question by himself.He always tries to find out potential solutions if any problems appear. For example, he finds engine from a advantage of his reputation to attract attentions of public while on the publicity campaign and also record the advertisement to promote his car. While he explains the concept of the car, he says, â€Å"tell me why, gentlemen, has the Big Three in Detroit been allowed to make billions of dollars without spending one dime on safety. What I know, what you know, what the public knows is that they don't give a damn about people. All they care about is profits. He knows clearly what his responsibility is as a ar manuf acturer which is to produce a car that could protect the safety of passengers not Just making profit. It is important for a leader to create positive attitude and motivates his colleagues to take action. While Abe Karate, his financier, knows Tucker is slandered by the Senator into stock fraud, Abe Karate asks to leave the company due to his conviction of stock fraud in the past. Tucker understands that Abe is worried that his past would bring negative effect on Tucker, so he tries to retain and comforts Abe. However, Tucker is not a leader without any weakness.There is one scene in the movie shows that a mechanic almost stuck his head under the car. Tucker does not concern the safety of the mechanic at first, but instead he gets angry about the process of assembling. Also, he is idealized the market without considering the risk and potential obstacles. When he is still at the designing stage of the car, he starts to promote it at the magazine without any successful production. Alth ough he proves himself by showing 51 Tucker Torpedoes in front of the court, Tucker still needs to value risk as an important factor while making decisions.All incidents that Preston Tucker experienced has reflected his characteristic of being a leader. He is also a decision maker, a problem solver and a practitioner. Tucker challenges authority and points out the weakness of existing car, for he values the safety of customers rather than making profit. Tucker has successfully involved his teammates by allocating them into right positions. As a leader, he is willing to take uncertain actions and turn his imagination into reality. It is a necessity for a leader to have positive attitude toward everything he believes in and motivate his fellows to take actions. Tucker Tucker: the man and his dream Preston Tucker is a man persists in doing what he believes is right even thousands of barriers appear. The movie narrates the story of Preston Tucker who Invents and manufactures the "car of the future", " Tucker Torpedo". This car features rear engine, disc brake, windshield, seat belt and other unique parts that existing cars don't Include. Since the car Is Innovative, the demand Is beyond the imagination of current market. The more popular the car is, the severer the challenge Trucker has to face.The government starts to play role of interrupter. At the stage of design, the government of Detroit refuses to supply clay and steels which both of them are the main materials to manufacture cars. Even the Senator refuses to talk with Tucker and warns him if he continues, the government would cut off all resources. The board of director of Tucker Company also doubts his ability of manufacturing the car and allocation of money, so they tak e the whole control of the company and modify the design of the car while Tucker Is on a publicity campaign.The board of director believes that front engine Is more feasible and elimination of seat belt Is more persuasive for customers, since seat belts represent unsafe cars at that time. The price of the car Is also doubled due to the scarcity of steels. Tucker finally realizes the difficulties he is facing and decided to produce his own Tucker separately. The engine he used is transformed from the old engine of helicopter from a aircraft company. On the day of testing, the car is being drove for 24 hours non stop, and it could even function properly after a serious accident.While everyone is elaborating the success. Undercover agent has already reported to the Senator, Homer Ferguson. The Big Three feel threatened and envy the success of Tucker. In order to prevent Tucker, the Big Three make an alliance with the government, and the Senator discloses fake Information about Tucker's involvement of stock fraud to Yellow Journalism. Yellow Journalism starts to report that the car is manufactured by reforming the old parts and it has no qualification to sell. On the court, the Senator even falsified the account and accused Tucker spend the money for personal use. †¦ But If big business closes the door on the little guy with a new Idea, we're not only closing the door on progress, but we're sabotaging everything that we fought for Everything that the country stands for† And one day we're going to find ourselves at the bottom of the heap instead of king of the hill, having no idea of how we got there, buying our radios and our cars from our former enemies. † As Tucker points out on the court, the government abuses its power to put down the development of small business.As the founder of Tucker Company, Preston Tucker builds his own team to tart from sketching to finally putting dreams into reality. A leader should know how to allocate his subordina tes into the right positions. Tucker as a leader understands how to take charge In operations and involve people Into projects to achieve the goal that he expects. Tucker hires a young designer, Alex Trembles, to design and a financier, Abe Karate, to arrange financial support. However, he does not empower his subordinates, but rather to solve the question by himself.He always tries to find out potential solutions if any problems appear. For example, he finds engine from a advantage of his reputation to attract attentions of public while on the publicity campaign and also record the advertisement to promote his car. While he explains the concept of the car, he says, â€Å"tell me why, gentlemen, has the Big Three in Detroit been allowed to make billions of dollars without spending one dime on safety. What I know, what you know, what the public knows is that they don't give a damn about people. All they care about is profits. He knows clearly what his responsibility is as a ar manuf acturer which is to produce a car that could protect the safety of passengers not Just making profit. It is important for a leader to create positive attitude and motivates his colleagues to take action. While Abe Karate, his financier, knows Tucker is slandered by the Senator into stock fraud, Abe Karate asks to leave the company due to his conviction of stock fraud in the past. Tucker understands that Abe is worried that his past would bring negative effect on Tucker, so he tries to retain and comforts Abe. However, Tucker is not a leader without any weakness.There is one scene in the movie shows that a mechanic almost stuck his head under the car. Tucker does not concern the safety of the mechanic at first, but instead he gets angry about the process of assembling. Also, he is idealized the market without considering the risk and potential obstacles. When he is still at the designing stage of the car, he starts to promote it at the magazine without any successful production. Alth ough he proves himself by showing 51 Tucker Torpedoes in front of the court, Tucker still needs to value risk as an important factor while making decisions.All incidents that Preston Tucker experienced has reflected his characteristic of being a leader. He is also a decision maker, a problem solver and a practitioner. Tucker challenges authority and points out the weakness of existing car, for he values the safety of customers rather than making profit. Tucker has successfully involved his teammates by allocating them into right positions. As a leader, he is willing to take uncertain actions and turn his imagination into reality. It is a necessity for a leader to have positive attitude toward everything he believes in and motivate his fellows to take actions.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Exploring teenage pregnancy in the uk Essay Example

Exploring teenage pregnancy in the uk Essay Example Exploring teenage pregnancy in the uk Essay Exploring teenage pregnancy in the uk Essay UK has the highest adolescent gestation rate in Western Europe. This essay will critically analyze the factors that contribute to teenage gestation in the UK, that is, socio-economic, education- related factors and every bit good as hazardous behavior. To acquire a better understating of this subject, effects of adolescent gestation every bit good as current schemes, intercessions and recommendations for improved attention in undertaking adolescent gestation will be discussed. The essay will be concluded with a sum-up of the literature. Adolescent gestation can be defined as a term employed to mention to giving birth of immature adult females under 20 which consequence in unrecorded births or abortions ( Ewles 2005 ) . The graduated table of job is shocking. Approximately 91,200 constructs in adolescents take topographic point per twelvemonth, 7700 among misss under 16 old ages of age and 2200 among 14 twelvemonth olds or younger ( Chambers et al 2001 ) . Furthermore, 46 % constitutes to those who have legal abortion and 56 % of those aged under 16 old ages who partake in an abortion. Harmonizing to Ewles ( 2005 ) , UK teenage gestation rates are much higher compared to other European states, in that, they are five times every bit high as compared to those in Netherlands, three times every bit high as compared to France and two times higher in Germany. Adolescent gestation poses a great public wellness menace due to the causal nexus associated with wellness inequalities. The high rates of abortion and sexually familial disease elucidates that immature people are non holding protected sex and this is supported by the dismaying STI rates which are highest in 16-19 twelvemonth old adult females ( Baker et al 2007 ) . Furthermore, Elwes ( 2005 ) states that one in 10 sexually active adolescents is infected with a sexually familial disease, exemplifying deficiency of public consciousness about sex instruction, contraceptive method and rubber usage. In order to undertake adolescent gestation, it is of import to understand the factors that contribute to teenage gestation. Research grounds has identified the cardinal hazard factors which are acknowledged to be associated with adolescent gestation. Ewles ( 2005 ) states that low outlooks is a major factor, where we see there is a important association between immature people from lower-social economic categories and high rates of adolescent gestation and birth. Lack of employment and detachment from instruction or preparation can potentially give rise to feelings of insufficiency and hoplessness therefore ends and aspirations seem unachievable impacting the mentality of one s hereafter. Furthermore, harmonizing to the study conducted by the Department for instruction and accomplishments ( 2006 ) , low instruction attainment and go forthing school at 16 with no makings are obviously independent hazard factors of adolescent gestation. Consequently, parentage can be perceived as an appropriate blessing to derive maturity position with no employment or educational attainment to demo for it. However, the SEU ( 1999 ) did non happen grounds to back up these findings. Ignorance about sex and relationships has been identified as another hazard factor. Notwithstanding being surrounded by sexual images and messages from an early age and despite being sexually active, research demonstrates that there is hapless cognition on consensual and safe sexual relationships, contraceptive method and STI s among immature people ( Ewles 2005 ) . A survey conducted by the Health Education Authority ( 1999 ) reported that 25 % of adolescents aged 14-15 old ages perceived that the preventive pill protected them from geting a sexually transmitted diseases which can be exacerbated by myths, such as first sexual experience will non stop up in gestation, that are evident in the society. In a nutshell, immature people have impractical perceptual experiences on gestation and parentage ( SEU 1999 ) . Assorted messages have been associated with teenage gestation, given that, kids and adolescents in the UK are bombarded by sexual images and messages which can potentially take one to believing and accepting sex as the norm in the society even at a immature age ( Ewles 2005 ) . It is argued that in the UK, sex appears to be the usage and comparatively necessary, whereas contraceptive method and sexual wellness consciousness is unequal therefore clarifying immature people can non do informed determinations ( NHS 2004 ) . Simultaneously, there may be deficient communicating between parents or instructors and immature people on sex and contraceptive method therefore go forthing immature people uninformed. Poverty is another factor, where the hazard of going a teenage female parent is about 10 times more in misss and adult females from societal category V ( unskilled and manual ) as compared to adult females in societal category 1 ( professional ) ( DOH 1999 ) . Additionally, research grounds illustrates immature adult females who have experienced attention or Foster and homelessness are at hazard every bit good ( Chambers et al 2001 ) . A survey reported adult females in this class are two times at hazard of going teenage female parents compared to those raised by birth parents ( Baker 2007 ) . A complimentary survey besides found out that about 50 % of misss go forthing attention become female parents within 18months to two old ages ( DOH 1999 ) . A British cohort survey conducted in 1970 reported that one of the strongest forecasters of teenage gestation is being a girl of a teenage female parent because they are 1.5 times at hazard as compared to kids born of older adult females ( Baker 2007 ) . Harmonizing to DOH ( 1999 ) , holding a history sexual maltreatment is identified as a hazard factor where we see immature people may be loath to abstain from sexual force per unit area subsequent to mistreat that ensued. Numerous surveies have elucidated the association between mental wellness upsets and teenage gestation, in add-on, Maskey s survey conducted in 1991 illustrated that a 3rd of immature adult females with behavior upsets become pregnant before the age of 17 ( Baker 2007 ) . Crime is besides a factor particularly with adolescents who get involved in improper activities doing constabulary intercession because they are twice likely to go adolescent parents. ( Chambers et al 2001 ) . Tyrer et al conducted in a survey in 2005 and reported that 39 % of immature female wrongdoers are adolescent female parents even as approximates propose that more than 25 % of immature male wrongdoers are adolescent male parents or fathers-to-be ( Zaplin 2006 ) . Hazardous behavior for illustration early oncoming of sexual activity and hapless preventive usage are factors associated with adolescent gestation. The mean age of first sexual intercourse has fallen from to 16 ( House Of Commons 2002-3 ) and girls holding sex under 16 are three times more likely to go pregnant that those who have sex over 16 old ages ( SEU 1999 ) . Approximately 60 % of male childs and 47 % of misss dropping out of school at 16 with no makings engaged in sex compared to 20 % for both males ( Baker 2007 ) . Ethnicity has a cardinal nexus with adolescent gestation. Consistent with the 2001 nose count, informations on female parents under 19years demonstrated that adolescent gestation rates are well higher among female parents of mixed and black Caribbean, other black and black Caribbean ethnicity ( Baker 2007 ) . Early oncoming of sexual activity is linked to cultural groups where a study conducted in East London ( Viner and Roberts 2004, ) illustrated that first sexual brush under 16 was higher among Caribbean work forces ( 56 % ) compared with 30 % for black African and 27 % for white work forces and 11 % for Indian and Pakistani work forces. As for adult females, 30 % for both white, black Caribbean, 12 % for black African and 3 % for Indian and Pakistani adult females. In add-on, hapless prophylactic usage among specific cultural groups has been associated with adolescent gestation ( Baker 2007 ) . Having acknowledged the factors and effects associated with high rates of teenage gestation, Tony Blair commissioned the Social Exclusion Unit ( SEU 1999 ) to develop a adolescent gestation scheme, known as the National Teenage Pregnancy Strategy in 1999 ( Ewles 2005 ) . Its chief purposes were to halve the figure of teenage constructs by 2010 and set up a consistent diminution in tendency in the under -16 adolescent gestation rate ( SEU 1999 ) . Harmonizing to ( Chambers et al 2001 ) , a sum of 150 adolescent gestation co-ordinators were appointed in each local authorization country in England, in 2000, who lead the force to put to death the Social Exclusion Unit study. Each local country has employed a 10-year scheme, with local under -18 gestation rate decrease marks of between 40 % and 60 % , which strengthens the national decrease mark of 50 % ( Ewles 2005 ) . As recommended by the SEU ( 1999 ) , the chief preventive intercessions in undertaking adolescent gestation are effectual school-based sex and relationships instruction ( SRE ) that are established with the aid of local authorization, peculiarly when correlated with contraceptive method usage and services. HDA ( 2004 ) reported that SRE programmes was extremely rated by immature people who received it and were positively impacted by the cognition and decreased the degree of study over first sexual intercourse.However, from the UK- based systematic rating of SRE programme they found out that the multi-faceted attack had no consequence on contraceptive method usage and sexual behavior ( Nice 2004 ) . ( DFES ) stated that effectual instruction programmes should be focused on extenuating behaviors that cause adolescent gestation and are based on theory and high spot background information on sexual affairs Furthermore clear information on usage of contraceptive method is necessary and im mature people should be informed about the hazard factors, how they can avoid sex as good protection against gestation and STI s. Activities that help cover with equal and societal force per unit area are cardinal and how to get communicating, dialogue and refusal accomplishments by using participatory learning methods ( HDA 2004 ) . Ewles ( 2005 ) argues that abstention instruction as recommended by the scheme has proved to be uneffective The scheme stated the demand to affect and supply information on bar to teenager s parents which is cardinal. SEU ( 1999 ) recommended that young person Services should affect programmes that integrate a long term, multi-dimensional attack that is a combination of self-esteem edifice, voluntary work, and educational support ( Ewles 2005 ) and have a clear focal point on turn toing issues that affect immature people for illustration, sexual wellness and substance maltreatment. HDA ( 2004 ) states that, the acceptance of development programmes has proved to be successful in America and has been elucidated as a competent attack to teenage bar. Chambers et Al ( 2003 ) argues that proviso of effectual sexual wellness services has been identified as a factor for cut downing adolescent gestation. The DFES ( 2006 ) recommended the handiness and handiness of well-publicised preventive and sexual wellness advice services targeted for immature people, with a an established duty that commits to wellness publicity work and bringing of reactive service. In add-on, engaged and coordinated action among all cardinal mainstream bringing spouses who are responsible for cut downing adolescent gestation wellness, Education, Social services and youth support services every bit good as the voluntary sector is critical ( Ewles 2005 ) . Furthermore, HDA ( 2004 ) recommended that practising confidentiality and holding long term proviso of services has proved effectual in teenage bar. Another cardinal recommendation is the demand for a acute focal point on trim intercessions that target immature people who are susceptible to teenage gestation particularly with Looked After Children, that is, those in attention and Foster ( Acheson 2001 ) . The scheme advocated for professionals in spouse administrations for illustration, Connexions, working with the most vulnerable immature people need consistent Sexual and Relationship Education preparation that are readily available ( HDA 2004 ) . Furthermore, the national teenage scheme introduced the national media run aimed at extenuating myths and provides immature with clear and accurate information to do it possible for immature people to do informed picks therefore cut downing adolescent gestation rates ( Ewles 2005 ) . It recommended that effectual information should be clear and unambiguous ( HDA 2004 ) . The current focal point on consciousness and instruction is supported by the two national media runs which are ; R U believing is addressed to immature adolescents promoting them to detain oncoming of sexual activity and eschew equal force per unit area ; Want Respect? Use a rubber is targeted at immature people who are sexually active by advancing rubber usage by associating rubber usage with 1s behaviors and behavior that will gain regard from their equal ( DFES 2006 ) . The Teenage Pregnancy Strategy s chief precedence is to cut down under 18 gestations by supplying immature people with ways and inducements to postpone parentage until they able to get by with the challenges that come with it. However, the scheme is dedicated to back up and cut downing the hazard of hapless results for teenage parents and their kids, with a mark to increase the engagement in instruction, preparation or employment of teenage female parent s aged 16-19 by 2010 ( DFES 2006 ) . Harmonizing to the Acheson Report ( 2001 ) the inequalities faced by adolescents who go on to be mother every bit compared to older female parents are unhinging because there is an increased likeliness they have mental wellness jobs, particularly, post-natal depression ; are 50 % likely to breast provender every bit good as have a higher happening of smoking during gestation and experience relationship dislocation. In add-on, when they become older, say in their mid-thirtiess, it is apparent that they are more likely experience poorness, be subjected to unemployment, deficiency makings and live on benefits which makes them susceptible to acquire trapped in the poorness rhythm which can potentially take to a hapless grownup life. ( Ewles 2005 ) . Children Born of teenage parents are 60 % more at hazard of infant mortality and can perchance decease in their first twelvemonth, 25 more at hazard be conceived with a low birth weight, are peculiarly at much higher hazard of turning up sing poorness, hapless lodging and nutrition for a long draw and are at a greater hazard of going adolescent parents themselves ( Ewles 2005 ) . To forestall hapless out comes for teenage parents and their kids, the scheme recommends and provides support and intercessions that include prenatal and postpartum support where they are provided with impartial information on option of parentage, abortion and acceptance and gestation proving services every bit good ( Ewles 2005 ) . They are advised and acquire aid with psychosocial issues for illustration, anxiousness that they may confront during and after their gestation with the aid of youth-friendly pregnancy services characterised by trim theoretical accounts of attention ( Chambers et al 2005 ) . Together with supplying immature parents with development accomplishments in parentage, the scheme recommends and is committed to supply services that will back up them to remain or restart to instruction, preparation or employment ( Ewles 2005 ) . This is includes happening preferable classs, acquiring aid with child care so that immature parents can go on with instruction or work every bit good as supplying them with necessary aid for them to stay in school or acquire alternate methods to go on with instruction ( DFES 2006 ) . The scheme introduced the Certain Start Plus programme to supply every kid with the best start in life by supplying instruction, child care, wellness and household support ( National Audit Office ) . It recommends and recognizes the important benefits of a committed personal adviser for teenage parents, who tailors ongoing support bundles to run into assorted single demands for illustration lodging and fiscal demands ( Ewles 2005 ) . In consistent with the precedences of the scheme in footings of better support, it acknowledges that high quality support to all teenage parents populating without household or parents is needed ( DFES 2006 ) . Furthermore, some immature female parent under 18 can be susceptible to societal exclusion when they live without any support, taking to isolation particularly when disintegrated from their societal support webs, that is, household. The scheme aims to undertake this by supplying supported lodging to all under 18 lone parents who can non populate at place or with their spouse and are provided with suited demands ( Ewles 2005 ) . This reduces the damaging effects of hapless lodging on wellness. In decision, this essay has discussed the factors that contribute to teenage gestation and its impact on public wellness. Furthermore, the deductions of teenage gestation have been highlighted. The authorities, through the Social Exclusion unit and the constitution of the National Teenage Pregnancy Strategy, has been involved in undertaking teenage gestation through joined up action, national media run, better support for teenage parents and better bar as discussed. Harmonizing to Naidoo and Wills, instruction and persuasion through mass media run may be an effectual scheme in undertaking teenage gestation because these techniques are geared to alter people s behaviors and life styles volitionally as a consequence of information, support and advice.. HDA ( 2004 ) states that immature people should be provided with sufficient instruction and clear information about all facts of sex and relationships and its deductions coupled with confidential and accessible beginnings of preventive s ervices in undertaking adolescent gestation.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Pyschology of Everday Life . 2000 word portfolio consisting of the Essay

The Pyschology of Everday Life . 2000 word portfolio consisting of the following Assesment 1 - Applying psychology to ever - Essay Example In today’s material and media driven society, it has become important to have a fit and shapely body if one is to enjoy a healthy self image. Hence, currently the goal of my life is to reduce weight and to achieve a desired shape with the help of exercise and healthy diet. However, it is not as easy as it seems. After referring to different studies in the field of psychology, ayurveda and spirituality, I realized that being overweight is not just a physical problem. The tendency of overeating and accumulating fats lies in the psychological and emotional make up of a person. This means that if one has to achieve a perfect weight and a shapely body, then one has to change not only the eating habits but also the psychological aspects of the personality. Hence, to become a happier person in life, what is more important than reducing weight is to gain a healthy self image, emotional clarity and peaceful relationship with ‘self’, because one can achieve happiness only w hen one is at peace with the ‘self.’ The Root Of Problem Happiness is the most important aspect of a fulfilling life. People feel worthy and content only when they are happy with themselves. Sadly, instead of attaching happiness with the internal feelings and personality, it is related to appreciation, social success and social acceptance. Hence, people become happy only when they get appreciated and accepted by people around them. However, this leads to a major problem as it makes people depend on others for their happiness. Instead of doing things that make them happy, people start following the goals and ‘living standards’ that are set by others for them. This leads to misery and self destructive behavior pattern (Chopra, 1994, p. 42). Genuine physical beauty and emotional happiness can be achieved only when a person practices self-acceptance (Chopra, 1994, p. 42). However, self-acceptance does not come easily. The idea of ‘perfect life’ and ‘perfect body’ is shaped by the television and print media and not on the basis of self knowledge. However, it is necessary to understand that every human being is unique and hence, has a unique body and mind system (Chopra, 1994, p. 18). If a person tries to copy other people’s weight pattern or food habits, then he becomes vulnerable to losing his individuality and health. Hence, the healthier way to reduce weight is to understand the root cause of the problem and try to treat it rather than trying to reduce the weight only through exercise and diet. However, to analyze and understand the root of the problem, it is necessary to look at the problem through the psychological perspective. The problem of me being overweight is not a recent one. I have observed that this is an intermittent problem since my childhood. I have never been an obese child. However, I do have a tendency to gain weight when I go through stressful situations in life. This might be because I also tend to eat when I am tense or feel emotionally closed. This shows that it is my emotional pattern that makes me to eat unhealthy food and become overweight as I am not able to control binging on fast food. Hence, my problem is emotional based and not body based (Chopra, 2004, p.103). It has been found that for people who are emotionally dissatisfied and unhappy, ‘food’ becomes a source of satisfaction and happiness (Chopra, 2004, p.103). The habit of binging and overeating comes from the feeling of emptiness in the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

1929 America crisis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

1929 America crisis - Research Paper Example In this paper, I will start with an overview of the great depression. I will also look through the causes that have been considered to lie in the base of the American crisis of 1929. Finally, I will also dwell on social and economic effects of the great depression on America and conclude by looking through the end of the Great depression in America (Burg 90). OVERVIEW OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION The years preceding the Great Depression were marked by economic recovery evidenced by a rise in stock prices in 1928. The situation of trade in the preceding year also greatly mushroomed, and Americans were so engrossed in their economic prosperity that it became very easy for an individual to access a credit. The signs of a fluctuating economic situation became noticeable in the autumn of 1929, and the crisis was a surprise and a major blow to those who were caught unaware. This was followed by several activities by financial movers to save the economy: it is on Tuesday in October 1929 that 16 million of stock shares were directly traded, and the industrial index declined by the amazing 10%. Within the period that followed, shares of stock continued to lose their value at more than a half. It is these events that marked the official beginning of the American crisis of 1929 (Watkins 67). CAUSES OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION IN THE USA ... In the period of 1928 and 1929, however, the value of the shares of stock grew to so much higher levels than the value of the companies they represented that this resulted into an inappropriate situation where the companies could not meet up with the value of their stock shares (Fearnow 89). Another major cause of the Great depression in America was the behavior of Americans who used to buy on credit which was on the rise in the 1920s. This was a period of a marked economic boom, and this placed people in a situation of less thought and care about their future. There was a lot of installment buying where many people bought cars and electronics of high value which did not match the money they had in the possession or in savings. The availability of installment buying encouraged so many people to buy things on credit that when the stock market came to a crash, many people were left with huge debts to settle. This was followed by many people losing their jobs, and it became virtually im possible to settle their highly accumulated debts (Kupperberg 98). The supply and demand situation also played a great role in contributing to the start and lengthening of the Great Depression in America. During the period of economic prosperity in the 1920s, the American manufacturing industries and agricultural sectors produced large quantities of goods and services. This resulted in the market acting up with an increase in prices which was not marked by the adjustment in American workers’ wages which remained constant, but the workers had no more to keep up with the soaring prices, therefore, they stopped buying the goods and services. Factories, however, did not adjust their