Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Gun Control Is It Needed - 881 Words

Gun Control: Is It Needed? Gun control has been a hot topic in the media for decades. The decision to keep amendment two as it is, add stricter regulations, or abolish the amendment altogether has caused a considerable amount of quarrel between opponents of gun control and its advocates. According to Glenn Utter and Robert Spitzer â€Å"[t]he Pro-gun forces see themselves as the supporters of a vital constitutional right to keep and bear arms pitted against the â€Å"gun grabbers.† Strong advocates of gun control see themselves struggling for a more civilized society against the â€Å"gun nuts† and profit-hungry firearms manufacturers and dealers† (2011). They also disagree over whether or not firearms are an independent variable of the high level of violence in the United States (Utter and Spitzer 2011). This topic has also immensely affected politicians and the way taxpayers vote. Barack Obama is the most recent president to propose a gun control amendment. Giv en his Democratic status, numerous individuals of the same party have voted in favor of his amendment. For this reason, those who oppose gun control tend to vote for Republican leaders, and its advocates primarily vote for Democrats. Strong advocates of gun control believe that firearms should not be readily available to the average American citizen. Research confirms that â€Å"[t]he widespread availability of firearms has made it easier for criminals to get firearms. Access to guns must be made more difficult if shooting deaths areShow MoreRelatedGun Control Is Needed1472 Words   |  6 PagesGun Control Is Needed Regulation of guns is a necessary action that needs to be taken in order to save lives. A good definition of gun control is needed to understand the sides and issues. Gun control is an effort to stop the rise in violent crime by strengthening laws on the ownership of firearms. Persons in the group against gun control believe that gun control is wrong, and that it is a violation of constitutional rights. Those in favor of gun control believe that gun control is goodRead MoreNo More Gun Control Needed1281 Words   |  6 PagesNo More Gun Control Needed The debate of whether or not the government should ban the sell of guns, and attempt to remove all guns in existence has been debated for a long period of time; I believe that banning guns is not only implausible, it will do more harm than good. In this essay, I’ll be discussing the history of this debate, as well as discuss some misinformation that’s been proposed by those wishing to ban guns. I’ll also discuss how guns do not turn ordinary, law abiding citizens intoRead MorePersuasive Essay On Anti Gun Control724 Words   |  3 Pagesyour family and countless other families? The answer is the lack of gun control. Pro Gun Control advocates want guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, while Anti Gun Control advocates say gun control impedes on the 2nd Amendment. Americans should support the 2nd Amendment, however to an extent. A high rate of firearm in the hands of criminals and the mentally ill cause massacres. Background checks are needed to stop these murders. Erwin 2 To begin with, these are the 26Read MoreThe Need for Stricter Gun Control Laws Essay569 Words   |  3 Pages11,000 Americans died from guns, 19,066 committed suicide in 2011. Without guns in our world , this would not have happened. Removing guns from our society could greatly reduce school shootings, deaths and overall crime rate. The First gun control law was implemented in 1934. The National Firearms Act of 1934 puts a $200 tax on machine guns and sawed off shotguns. The next gun control law National Firearms Act of 1938 needed licensing of interstate firearm dealers. After that in 1968, 3 laws wereRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1454 Words   |  6 PagesPeople start to wonder whether gun control is needed in this time period. Passing of strict laws is creating a tension between people who believe Americans have the right to bear arms against those who think guns kill people and need to be controlled. Who should Americans believe? First you have to understand that gun control laws could be very helpful in stopping certain crimes..certain. For example, in Tennessee, One of the most gun owning place, has put a ban on guns in certain places. The TennesseeRead MoreWhat Would The World Be Like If Guns Were Banned?1062 Words   |  5 PagesWhat would the world be like if guns were banned? Would chaos break out, or would the United States have peace? The Second Amendment grants U.S. Citizens the right to keep and bear arms. While some people believe banning guns will make the world safer, others believe the world will only be in more danger. Prohibition did not work for alcohol and drugs, so why would it work for guns? Guns should not be banned because crime rate would increase, people need guns for self-defense, and it will eliminateRead MoreGun Control And The United States1569 Words   |  7 PagesUnited States gun control is a big controversy that has been blown out of proportion the last few years. Anything t hat has to do with guns in the news, reporters say it is the guns fault. Gun control laws are being changed and morphed for the new society that we live in today. What gun control really means is a group of laws to control the selling and use of guns.(1). Statistics have proven that most people want more control on guns. Many surveys have shown that the benefits of gun control in the UnitedRead MoreEssay about America Needs More Gun Control Laws1397 Words   |  6 Pagesacross the United States. Nevertheless, in today’s society, gun violence is sparking debate and controversy on how to control gun violence. Throughout the country, thousands of laws and regulations have been created to aid in the control of guns. Through much study, the gun laws and regulations in place have very little effect on the number of gun related injuries and deaths. More needs to be done to establish an effective way to control gun violence. Potential Solutions Shootings in the United StatesRead MoreWill gun control stop harm or protect citizens? Today, the opinions of Americans vary on whether1100 Words   |  5 PagesWill gun control stop harm or protect citizens? Today, the opinions of Americans vary on whether guns harm or protect citizens. However, gun control is not a new controversial issue. In 1924, U.S. Senator, Robert La Follete, said, â€Å"Our choice is not merely to support or oppose gun control but to decide who can own which guns under what conditions.† This proves that gun control has been a concern to Americans since the mid- twentieth century, and possibly even earlier than that. Even with the U.SRead MoreGun Rights And Gun Control994 Words   |  4 PagesIn recent times, gun control is becoming a social issue in the US after the many incidents or accident happened related to the gun owner’s kill’s people at the social places. Gun rights means the every person have right to take or carry guns for the ir self protection is created controversial issue related to criminal justice that needed the requirement for the gun control to stop people from killing each other. Moreover, on 2 Dec, 2015, two suspects those opened fire in a California social service

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The benefits of sward renewal Free Essays

Philip Creightonl, Michael O’Donovan2 and Laurence Sha11002 Grassland Science Research Department Animal ; Grassland Research and Innovation Centre Teagasc Athenry and Moorepark2 Introduction Grassland in Ireland including rough grazing accounts for over 90% of agricultural land use. Lolium perenne (Perennial ryegrass) is by far the most widely sown grass species accounting for over 95% of forage grass seed sold each year. It produces a dense sward, highly acceptable to livestock with the ability to produce high dry atter yields, especially in spring and autumn reducing the seasonality of production. We will write a custom essay sample on The benefits of sward renewal or any similar topic only for you Order Now Achieving good performance from grass is dependent on having high quality perennial ryegrass/clover swards. This paper will outline the important aspects of reseeding pasture, what’s happening at farm level, why and when reseeding should be completed, its benefits and costs. What is happening at farm level? A recent survey of a proportion of co-op suppliers from Kerry, Connaught Gold and Glanbia (Creighton et al. , 2011) found a number of significant findings from a eseeding perspective, these are listed below. i. v’. ‘x. Regular reseeding took place on 50% of participants farms, 25% reseed infrequently, 25% never reseed. Of those reseeding, 50% of participants reseed 2-4ha/year, 20% 8. 0 Soil K Index 2 3 4 Soil K ranges (mg/ 0-50 51-100 101-150 150 K application rate (kg/ha) 110 75 50 Slurry is a good option to maintain nutrient status. With the increased cost of compounds (P and K) slurry should be used in reseeding, 1000 gallons of slurry at 7% DM is equivalent to 4kg N, 3kg P and 19. 5kg K. At soil index 3, slurry (3000gals/ac) is sufficient to supply the P and K nutrients. Weed control The best time to control docks and all other weeds is after reseeding. By using a post emergence spray seedling weeds can be destroyed before they properly develop and establish root stocks. Established weeds can seriously reduce the yield potential and economic lifetime of the reseeded sward. From the survey information it is clear that only 50% of farmers are applying a post emergence spray, resulting in over 90% of surveyed farms having problems with dock infestations. To ensure that a post emergence spray can be applied reseeding should be targeted for the spring or early autumn when establishment conditions are much more suitable and the opportunity for weed control is guaranteed. The post emergence spray should be applied approximately 6 weeks after establishment Just before the first grazing takes place. With weed control it pays to be proactive, spraying when grass is at the two leaf stage works well. Grazing management of reseeded swards Care needs to be taken when grazing newly reseeded swards. The sward should be razed as soon as the new grass plants roots are strong enough to withstand grazing (root stays anchored in the ground when pulled). Early grazing is important to allow light to the base of the plant to encourage tillering. Light grazing by animals such as calves, weanlings or sheep is preferred as ground conditions may still be somewhat fragile depending on establishment method used. Grazing new reseeds with larger animals can create high levels of tiller pulling. The first grazing of a new reseed can be completed at pre grazing yields of 600-1000kg DM/ha. Frequent grazing of the reseeds at light covers ( How to cite The benefits of sward renewal, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Paulo Freires The Banking Concept of Education Essay Example For Students

Paulo Freires The Banking Concept of Education Essay In Paulo Firers essay on The Banking Concept of Education, he is a firm believer of advancement in todays teaching. He splits the means of education Into two distinct societies, the revolutionary and the oppression. Fire criticizes the current values of education, and argues to support his own, radical ideas about how he believes education should work. He compares education to the banking system and by doing so he is establishing his own methods and systems on how to make the education system better in our world today. We will write a custom essay on Paulo Freires The Banking Concept of Education specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In his essay, Firers arguments against the education system have been made quite clear by addressing actions that need to be made to better the future of our society. At the beginning, he states how our current education system Is very orderly and how the teachers are the narrating subjects and the students are listing objects not knowing how to think or act in the world today (Fire 318). He believes, education is suffering from narration sickness, and that, In our current system, words become a hollow, alienated, and alienating verbosity to the students (318). He strongly tells the deader how education is transforming into a memorization game. He states how a student will record and repeat for the teacher, however, they will not gain the true knowledge that will help them later in life. He calls this process the banking concept of education (319). Paulo Fire is saying that the teacher -student relationship is poor because of the fact that the teacher is Just narrating about the subject of which the students are Just listening and are not really Involved. Fire states that as the teacher Is narrating, the dents have troubles understanding the narrations because of the words that the teacher speaks are somewhat foreign to them. Fire makes a valid point as he modernizes this Interaction by comparing It to using the banking system. He states that education thus becomes an act of depositing, in which the students are depositories and the teacher is the depositor (319). This act of depositing turns the students mind Into receptacles to be filed away. He Indicates that through this system students lack a sense of creativity and knowledge of the world around them. He explains that knowledge is the basis to our understandings and discoveries that man Invents and develops every day. Without this sense of knowledge or the drive to learn we would be left with nothing new and everything would be left undiscovered. His argument of education begins here because without a good system of education our advancement to the future is at stake. He uses the metaphor deposit to represent the manner in which information is bestowed to the students. His Idea that the students are an empty vessel Is at the ore of the banking concept where the curriculum does not take into consideration the needs of the students as libertarians, the means by which men and women deal Walt real TTY In letter a critical or creative way. He makes tans plant Decease In education today the information is chosen by the educator as the depositor and deposited into the student; the scope of action allowed the student extends only as far as receiving, filing and storing; which the students patiently receive, memorize and repeat (319). The more a teacher does this to his students the more reality is oaken away from them to learn the true meanings of life. This can be related back to Firers argument against the education system, because one can only memorize things for so long, after that one will lose his true purpose in the world. To go against the system of education Fire has established new methods to turn the idea of education runaround method of education that Fire asserts as an alternative to the banking concept is to encourage students to question and pursue the world. He calls this his problem-posing method on education (325). .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .postImageUrl , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:hover , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:visited , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:active { border:0!important; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:active , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Life of an African-American Youth in Baltimore in Between the World and Me, a Book by Ta-Nehisi Coates EssayThis change in focus is acclimated by a shift in the student-teacher relationship; the student learns from the teacher, and the teacher learns from the students. This is a relationship where all points of view and are examined and respected. The objective of this educational pattern is to develop the power to perceive critically the way a person exist in the world, with which and in which they find themselves; they come to see the world is not as a static reality but as a reality in process, in transformation (328). Without the development of this power, man cann ot experience his true vocation in life. In his method he also states how many do not pursue their interests or explore the world. He calls this group of people the oppressor society (325). In this solitary society many are left being at the receiving end in the containers, and many educators come in to control the lives of the oppressed. They are the humankind form of the the banking concept. However, Fire states how there are the select few that escape out into society and pursue the world around them. They would be considered todays inventors and leaders who change the lives of many. He calls this group the revolutionary society (325). They are the ones that communicate with the world and reject the oppressors. He brings up a good point by saying how education will later split the population into two. Some will be thinkers who take their own paths and others will be followers who do actually what they are told to do. Communication is the key to the success in our education. Based off of the methods and concepts that Fire has come up with he would agree with this statement and how it affects our learning and growth of knowledge. He states how one must seek to vive with others in solidarity and how one must think for themselves and not relate back to his pupils. They do this by a system of communication. An educator of any kind must think for themselves and not for their students. They need to know the true feelings of their students to see if their ways of teaching are either helping or damaging the students understandings of the real world. Thinking for oneself connects to reality and how memorizing what the teacher stated will only get you so far in life. To break this banking concept the students and the teachers need to monomaniac and interact with one another for the both to succeed in reality. With the help of communication society can act more liberate inside the world that we live in today. According to Firers methods and his beliefs, communication is the key to success in both the system of education and in surviving in the world that we live in today. Ferules moments all come to agreement Walt ten system AT communication. Fire writes this from first hand experience about important issues in education. He covers ideas from the banking concept and student-teacher relationships to evolutionist through communication and the effects educational systems have on the concept of liberty. By doing so he establishes his own structure and technique to make education of today better for our world tomorrow. He believes that no one can be authentically human while he prevents others from being so (330). This quote illustrates his humanity and his motivation to see education serve not only the oppressors, but humanity as a whole. Work Cited . Fire, Paulo. The Banking Concept of Education. Boston, Massachusetts, Bedford/SST. Martins: 2006. Pages 318-331.