Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Schizophrenia And Its Effects On Mental Disorders Essay

Schizophrenia is characterized as a chronic mental disorder that affects a person’s thoughts, emotions, and behavior (Bartol and Bartol, 2014). Individuals with schizophrenia experience positive psychotic symptoms that consist of hallucinations or delusions. Negative symptoms may also arise such as a diminished emotional expression known as flat affect, as well as poor attention and speech production (Bartol and Bartol, 2014). These symptoms are further categorized into five subtypes that include paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated, and residual categories. A person is diagnosed with one of these subtypes depending on how severe their most symptoms are. It affects both men and women equally but tends to appear earlier in men than in women (Bartol and Bartol, 2014). To this day, it is not known what causes schizophrenia and remains to be misunderstood. For a long time, society has held a stigma on mental disorders and its association with crime. People believe t hat crime is most prevalent in individuals who have a mental illness, in specific those who are diagnosed as schizophrenics. While most schizophrenics are generally not violent, they can commit violent crimes. In addition, most violent crimes are not committed by people with schizophrenia but when they do commit violent crimes they are higher than the typical violent offender (Bartol and Bartol, 2014). Many studies have looked at the correlation between schizophrenia and criminality to see how commonShow MoreRelatedSchizophrenia And Its Effects On Mental Disorders992 Words   |  4 PagesSchizophrenia While some may understand the concept of not having control over a specific disorder, fewer are able to imagine living with a disorder in which an altered perception of reality is created. â€Å"Schizophrenia is, in fact, a class of disorders that causes a distortion of reality to occur to its patients and effects the lives of many individuals to this day (Feldman, 2013). 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