Sunday, February 16, 2020

Presentation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Presentation - Research Paper Example Palestinians viewed themselves as dwelling in an occupied state, whereby invaders (Israelis) had placed them in military rule. In order to retaliate, Palestinians built a terrorist network for attacking innocent Israeli nationals. Israelis felt they had to go on controlling Palestinians with military force thereby protecting themselves against further terrorist attacks (Matthews 19). Additionally, Palestinians deem that they are not a free nation since Israeli soldiers obstruct them at every checkpoint between cities. Therefore, most Palestinians have to get approval from Israeli every day so as to go to their places of work, return home, attend the hospital, buy groceries, or call on their own families. According to Matthews, subsequent to a terrorist attack, sometimes soldiers decline to let Palestinians by the checkpoints to go to work or even other prominent places, something that infuriates Palestinians even more (26). Moreover, Israelis control most of the Palestinian water sup ply there giving Palestinians less admittance to water than they require. This makes Palestinians feel disgraced and manipulated by the Israelis. This raises the question as to whether the Israelis will retreat to 1967 borders and permit Palestinians total independence if Palestinians discontinue their terrorist strikes on Israelis. The answer is certainly not (Mattews 32). Despite most of Israelis having the willingness of having their military abscond the Palestinian territories, an influential minority suppose that all of the territory presently known as Palestinian is part of Israel. As a result, they do not want to negotiate or pull back; rather, they want to go on expanding Israeli settlements within Palestinian territories. On the other hand, Israelis deem Palestinian militants as terrorists who are incapable of compromising thereby gaining peace. In fact, Matthews asserts that Palestinian extremists got involved in terrorist

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